Retrofit [verb]
Definition of Retrofit:
adapt for use with something older
Synonyms of Retrofit:
Opposite/Antonyms of Retrofit:
Sentence/Example of Retrofit:
Tome says there aren’t current plans to retrofit existing consumer cars with the technology.
It warned other elevator companies about the danger, retrofitted some of its elevators and pushed for new industry safety standards.
JaMarcus put up a front as he lost control of his body, which was retrofitted to be plugged into the machines.
While Walmart’s vehicles are Ford vans retrofitted with autonomous driving tech, the Loblaw fleet will consist of larger, refrigerated box trucks.
Until Silver Spring, Bradyl had only retrofitted storage space in existing buildings.
At 33, Mike Lundergan still lives with his parents, who have retrofitted a floor of their home in west Tucson to meet his needs.
That includes a partnership with the Carlyle Group to launch Alphastruxture, which will help retrofit JFK airport with microgrids to move it towards relying on renewable energy.
The software-based solution will be required on the larger Max 10 variant before its debut targeted for 2022, and retrofitted onto other versions.
The new version that has recently been retrofitted instead shows contact-less delivery and uses voice over to highlight the “safety” of using contact-less delivery.
Countries could have prioritized stimulus funding for, say, energy efficient building retrofits over coal-fired power plants.