Retrogressive [adjective]
Definition of Retrogressive:
Opposite/Antonyms of Retrogressive:
Sentence/Example of Retrogressive:
The reformer who was so recently "retrogressive" had now become a rival in reform.
But man in himself, essentially, is at once progressive and retrogressive.
Scott, it must be remembered, was a retrogressive influence.
He is in fact a representative of retrogressive development.
This is one of the retrogressive measures which are daily occurrences in Russia.
Henceforth their history was to show a retrogressive movement.
Further than this retrogressive and imitative movement he never seemed to go.
But he draws no conclusion except that spiritualism is retrogressive.
In Music a retrogressive step in which there is much hope, has been taken.
The development of the adult from the larva is, as has already been stated, in the main a retrogressive metamorphosis.