Retrospections [noun]
Definition of Retrospections:
ability to hold in the mind
Sentence/Example of Retrospections:
He began to see things truly by the drab light of retrospection.
Now, in retrospection, she was alternately sorry that she had said as much and that she had not said more.
At the present moment she was going over the situation in retrospection.
"There will be no retrospection this evening, if you please," her voice rather metallic.
Our Duke, however, had not reached the age of retrospection.
Not for me Is time for retrospection or for dreams, Not time for self-laudation or remorse.
That forced idleness gave me plenty of time for retrospection.
He lived in that, not in retrospection; the difference is considerable to any so old as he.
It was a trick of memory with which she indulged herself on occasion, this one of retrospection.
Retrospection is to reminiscence much what recollection is to remembrance.