Revealers [noun]
Definition of Revealers:
Opposite/Antonyms of Revealers:
Sentence/Example of Revealers:
The one we may call a revealer of what we are to do, the other of what we are to love.
Yet his understanding was that not of the revealer, but the scholar to the last.
Metaphor, the revealer of nature, is the very substance of poetry.
The prophet is the revealer of what we are to do; the poet, of what we are to love.
Honor and glory to the revealer of events, to the seer of that which is hidden.
Woe indeed if I be chosen as revealer and if my dreams be true.
Those who applied to him as a revealer brought gifts with them.
The living voice is the only revealer, as the ear is the only true judge, of metre.
As a revealer of character, Rembrandt reaches the climax of his power in his portraits.
It is the revealer of thought and the commentator upon speech.