Reveals [verb]

Definition of Reveals:

disclose, tell

Opposite/Antonyms of Reveals:

Sentence/Example of Reveals:

He (or she) who reveals the world of art to them opens heaven to them.

It is especially an artistic Alsace that M. Hallays reveals to us.

The scent, of course, reveals what is concealed from the other senses.

Rousseau, in his "Confessions," reveals the sexual feelings of the masochist.

It reveals the fact that America has no monopoly of racial amalgamation.

The first glance at him reveals the origin of his sobriquet.

Love, say the ascetics, reveals our shameful kinship with the beasts.

My duty to the penitent who reveals his soul to me is to preserve his secret.

That look was like the bite of acid that reveals the structure of crystal in metals.

Xenophon reveals himself and the Hellenic feeling with regard to war and its use.