Revelations [noun]

Definition of Revelations:

disclosure, telling

Opposite/Antonyms of Revelations:

Sentence/Example of Revelations:

During these revelations Bulan had sat with his eyes fixed upon the Chinaman.

Belknap-Jackson was quite properly horrified at these revelations.

Verily, there may be revelations and things new under the sun every day.

Before the revelations of the soul, Time, Space and Nature shrink away.

The nature of these revelations is the same; they are perceptions of the absolute law.

And all I could get out of him was the old stuff about 'revelations' and 'word from above' and all that.

Then he said, 'The revelations from above ain't to be set aside.

I had forgotten for the moment, in the excitement of all these revelations.

Take my word for it, Loo could make some revelations on this theme.

It contained no revelations, it ran over the surface agreeably, and that was all.