Revenges [noun]

Definition of Revenges:

retaliation for wrong, grievance

Opposite/Antonyms of Revenges:

Sentence/Example of Revenges:

Oh, I see—and of course you'd like your revenge—carrying me off from him just to hurt him.

To let him live would be my revenge, the worst I should know.

She had won her ambition of years, revenge on the man who had sent her to prison.

"Hamlet" is a drama of pathetic weakness, strengthened by a drama of revenge and jealousy.

It was the boy's weakened condition that was turning her revenge into tragedy.

But his death should not be regarded as an act of personal, revenge.

In these terms did Mr Verloc declare his thirst for revenge.

Jack Reilly and I laid a plan to have our revenge, should it be repeated.

Purchase wealth by her safety and satisfy your revenge with a single victim.

The next consideration, however, was the means and opportunities for revenge.