Reversions [noun]

Definition of Reversions:


Synonyms of Reversions:

Opposite/Antonyms of Reversions:


Sentence/Example of Reversions:

"You epitomize it beautifully," said Mr. Caryll, with a reversion to his habitual manner.

A reversion to close imperialism would be for her a retrogression.

I used the word 'atavism' to mean a reversion to the primitive.

They are only playing each other's rôles, because the poles have swung into reversion.

War is neither an overflow of energy nor a reversion to primitive states.

The psychologist tends to see in war a reversion, a lapse to barbarism.

For the lease could not, and the reversion would not be likely to, go by disseisin.

La Dolciquita liked this reversion, and he passed the night in her bed.

In short, the process of reversion is carried on on a wholesale scale.

I have no evidence of the reversion of all characters in a variety.