Revilers [noun]
Definition of Revilers:
mean lady
Synonyms of Revilers:
● Wench
● Fury
● Siren
● Hussy
● Bitch
● Hellion
● Carper
● Vixen
● Virago
● Nag
● Scold
● Biddy
● Harridan
● Harpy
● Madcap
● Tigress
● Amazon
● Spitfire
● Ogress
● Dragon
● Fishwife
● Hell cat
● She-wolf
Opposite/Antonyms of Revilers:
Sentence/Example of Revilers:
There shall she lie also, the scoffer and reviler, the worker of evil.
But the scoffer and the reviler is after all not our philosopher's favorite rle.
The reviler of the gods shall be cared for, he said to himself.
If then a man listens like a stone, what profit is there to the reviler?
Swift he quoted with admirable effect, but it was Swift the reviler, not Swift the jester.
The inconsistency of the reviler of things sacred, was becoming more barefaced and unpardonable.
By many he is called the reviler of the gods, the author of all fraud and mischief, and the shame of gods and men alike.
And do you feel no shame in delivering up your own mind to any reviler, to be disconcerted and confounded?
But if the reviler has as a stepping-stone (or ladder) the weakness of him who is reviled, then he accomplishes something.
No mere scoffer or reviler of the bible could have obtained such an influence in France as Voltaire did.