Revisiting [verb]

Definition of Revisiting:

visit again

Synonyms of Revisiting:

Opposite/Antonyms of Revisiting:


Sentence/Example of Revisiting:

It is only by the intervention of a miracle that we can ever revisit the dear, lamented fields of Clwyd.

It afforded him intense delight to revisit Clare and Galway.

I have asked John Berber if he would care to revisit his old home.

Return me to the Greeks; let me revisit and renew the fight.

I have spent a good part of two days there, and mean to revisit it on my return.

You say you are going to revisit your river, by-and-bye, when you find opportunity.

Golah would then have to revisit the well, or perish of thirst upon the desert.

It had been a mistake, Jerry realized now, to revisit the Memorial and the Monument.

Were Watt to revisit the earth to-day, he would not easily Pg.

This accomplished, I was to revisit England and assume my lawful functions.