Revivalist [noun]
Definition of Revivalist:
person who aids, does religious work
Synonyms of Revivalist:
Opposite/Antonyms of Revivalist:
Sentence/Example of Revivalist:
When it was finished, the preacher sat down beside the revivalist.
Some had evidently come from afar, for the fame of the revivalist was widespread.
In this instance it was hard to say which was the more surprised, the revivalist or the congregation.
He was a Methodist preacher—a revivalist—and did his own exhorting.
He must be some revivalist who has gone insane on one point.
The tumult swelled, directed, dominated, by the voice of the revivalist.
Isn't that revivalist preacher enough to run it for a while?
Then the revivalist says: "Take your chance, my little friend," and went away.
And I had listened to the revivalist and heard the singin' and the experience speeches.
The revivalist was stunned, and he looked at Mitch and kind of started to get away from him.