Revivified [verb]

Definition of Revivified:


Opposite/Antonyms of Revivified:

Sentence/Example of Revivified:

Madame Rachel can only galvanize the corpse, not revivify it.

But the biologist cannot devitalize a plant or an animal and revivify it again.

Madame Rachel can only galvanise the corpse, not revivify it.

Society is able to revivify the sentiment it has of itself only by assembling.

Some wished to revivify it by making it a party of general reform.

I'll love you to life again; revivify you with my imagination.

Further, on 19th April, he induced Haugwitz to sign a treaty which promised to revivify the monarchical cause.

Neither pedantically correct, nor too lax, they revivify the period so that the actors are more important than the accessories.

He who was powerful enough to turn dust into man from the beginning, certainly is powerful enough to revivify that dust.

The object of this practice is to revivify the virtues of the stone, after a fashion, and to reinforce its efficacy.