Revolute [verb]
Definition of Revolute:
run wild
Synonyms of Revolute:
Opposite/Antonyms of Revolute:
Sentence/Example of Revolute:
Then they'll go on to wherever you want 'em—and you'll revolute.
The April sunshine is fairly reflected in its revolute flowers.
Revolute, rolled backwards, as the margins of many leaves, 72.
A Mexican takes a drink of mescal before breakfast, on an empty stomach, and then he begins to revolute round regardless.
It has zones, either of gray or white color, and it is turned up at the edge (revolute).
The gills are split longitudinally at the edge, and the two lips commonly turn backward (revolute).
Valve with sides parallel; apices slightly capitate and revolute; stri, 10 in 10 .
Fruit fleshy or membranous, 1–5-celled, the placent often produced to the axis and revolute.
Filaments slender, united in a ring at the base; anthers oblong, revolute after flowering.
Capsule pedicelled, oblong-pyriform, dehiscing by 5–8 revolute segments.