Revolution [noun]

Definition of Revolution:

drastic action or change, often in politics

Opposite/Antonyms of Revolution:

Sentence/Example of Revolution:

It came from the furnace of the Revolution, tempered to the necessities of the times.

We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution.

A revolution indeed is needed; but a revolution in point of view.

I'll bet England never knew the Revolution was a-goin' on till it was over.

Again we take a leap of about twenty years, and alight in the midst of the Revolution.

The term "gentleman" has seldom been used in this sense subsequently to the Revolution.

But Allis Porter had originated a revolution in his manner of thought.

He was curiously mixed up in the events of the revolution of 1848.

While here, Fleeming witnessed the outbreak of the Revolution of 1848, and heard the first shot.

But no one volunteered to assist him, and the "plot" of revolution went on.