Revved [verb]

Definition of Revved:

begin; put into operation

Synonyms of Revved:

Opposite/Antonyms of Revved:

Sentence/Example of Revved:

During the night the artillery fire declined, but it revved the next morning.

The Irishman revved up, pinched one brake and gave the throttle a kick.

Mike taxied back fast to the laboratory, turned the plane and revved up, holding on the brakes.

He revved up again and taxied as rapidly as he dared to the houseboat, swung broadside to it, and throttled back.

He revved the engines impatiently as the big door rolled away and the stars burned in at him.

Holding the propeller in neutral, he revved up the powerful electric motor.

Well, between the time you revved up the motorcycle had you heard any more shots?