Rewritten [verb]
Definition of Rewritten:
Opposite/Antonyms of Rewritten:
Sentence/Example of Rewritten:
I have rewritten and finished it since, and it has had a surprising sale.
Of course, the articles will probably have to be rewritten in the office.
But how many times had it been rewritten before that fair copy was prepared?
Translated from the second revised and rewritten German edition.
It was to be rewritten, as he knew, not by its author but by the Jewish people on their way to freedom.
These absolute constructions can ordinarily be rewritten into adverb clauses.
This could be rewritten, omitting the introductory word there.
As for example, this sentence might be rewritten to read, The tailor made a coat for him.
It has recently been rewritten and published at the expense of the Marquis of Bute.
It has been written and rewritten and is more or less known.