Rhetoricians [noun]

Definition of Rhetoricians:


Synonyms of Rhetoricians:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rhetoricians:


Sentence/Example of Rhetoricians:

The manners are clumsy and inferior; the hand of the rhetorician is apparent at every turn.

You say that you can make any man, who will learn of you, a rhetorician?

The rhetorician then must be a just man, and rhetoric is a just thing.

Seneca was the most eminent writer, rhetorician, and orator of his time.

That matters very little, except to a pedant and a rhetorician.

The rhetorician exaggerates and hurls his thunders on flowers.

Vacation took the rhetorician back to the north of Normandy.

It is the exordium of a rhetorician, not of an historical critic.

The king also sent with them Tlepolemus and Ptolemy the rhetorician as envoys.

He obtained his freedom, and acquired celebrity as a rhetorician and historian.