Rhinoceroses [noun]

Definition of Rhinoceroses:

nonruminant hoofed mammal

Synonyms of Rhinoceroses:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rhinoceroses:


Sentence/Example of Rhinoceroses:

Perhaps some aged or weak lion had not been permitted a share of that rhinoceros.

It did not need Mali-ya-bwana's whispered "faru" (rhinoceros) to identify the mound.

In the matter of rhinoceros and similar dangers, they simply took a chance.

The general aspect of the Rhinoceros is that of a hog in armor on a grand scale.

He has the constitution of a rhinoceros, the digestion of an ostrich, and the concentration of an oyster.

On the other side there was a small block which looked like a rhinoceros entering the water.

Of the dogs, we lost three by wild beasts--one by a rhinoceros, and two by buffaloes.

As for the muses, they have as much an idea of a rhinoceros as of a poet.

Can he carry a gentleman's manners within a rhinoceros' hide?

But, after all, this is an old-fashioned method, and the rhinoceros is a relic.