Rialto [noun]
Definition of Rialto:
shopping place
Opposite/Antonyms of Rialto:
Sentence/Example of Rialto:
But I rubs down and gets into my Rialto wardrobe that I'd brought along in a suit-case.
Not till he passed under the Rialto, which afforded him a deep shadow, did he turn.
And then we were on the Rialto and J. was saying "Of course you know that?"
By this time the 3126 electric lights on the Rialto were alight.
They stopped before a low arched door not fifty yards from the Rialto.
It was on the Rialto that Antonio rated Shylock about his "usances."
Every day boats laden with fruit, to be sold at the Rialto, are sent to Venice.
In the evening there was a serenade, starting from a point above the Rialto.
The covered bridge of the Rialto was used as the Exchange at Venice.
There is the same divergence of character in lodging places on the Rialto.