Ricked [verb]

Definition of Ricked:

pile up

Synonyms of Ricked:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ricked:

Sentence/Example of Ricked:

“Ricked it a bit; got one of the ligaments or something kinked,” he said.

My ankle, I was glad to find, had been ricked only slightly, and was now normal again.

Dick Gordon hobbled up the road, quite unaware for some time that he had a ricked knee.

In plainer words, he had ricked his jaw, not from general want of usage, but from the momentary excess.

He told me he thought he had ricked his arm at first, as it felt numb and useless.

They built right skillfully, too; they ricked it and they anchored the cribs; they piled in the rocks and braced the supports.