Ricocheted [verb]
Definition of Ricocheted:
Opposite/Antonyms of Ricocheted:
Sentence/Example of Ricocheted:
Gwynplaine, if we may coin the expression, ricocheted from one surprise to another.
It ricocheted three times with a twanging noise and split along the centre.
One of the tiny slugs stung through my calf and ricocheted down the passage.
Once, a stray shell burst several hundred yards away and a flying crumb of masonry fell in the nave and ricocheted a moment.
He is said to have been killed by the wind of a cannon ball as it ricocheted along the ground.
He reminded one much of a billiard ball in the way he bounced, collided and ricocheted amongst taller men.
The shot struck a rock not far in front, and of the whole charge some ten pellets had ricocheted back and hit Evelyn in the face.
The balls generally fell short, and as they ricocheted, our men stepped aside.
A bullet struck the fuselage and ricocheted past his ear; another ripped a hole in the canvas of his wing.
A frozen clod, loosened as she clutched at the projecting roots of a young beech, ricocheted behind her.