Rifer [adjective]

Definition of Rifer:


Synonyms of Rifer:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rifer:

Sentence/Example of Rifer:

Speculation was rife as to who would inherit the estate which he left behind him.

Such symptoms, when a disease of the kind is rife, are usually the signs of sickening.

So this is the little maid of whom wonderful rumours are so rife?

Assassinations and pillage are too rife to make absence easy.

The speculations which once would have been rife enough, were now silent.

And Phil was not a whit behind, for the spirit of emulation was rife in him.

At the end of his first year, however, the spirit of rebellion was rife.

Venice and Ravenna are belted in with swamps, and fevers are rife in the autumn.

And shortly after there was rife Many a sign of party strife.

But of every species of poetry none are so rife with life and beauty as the song.