Righteously [adverb]
Definition of Righteously:
Synonyms of Righteously:
● Equally
● Rightly
● Duly
● Properly
● Honestly
● Legally
● Candidly
● Frankly
● Nicely
● Well
● Lawfully
● Decently
● Benignly
● Fitly
● Piously
Sentence/Example of Righteously:
Righteously and honourably he would obtain them, if he might, or else forego them.
The streamlet should run through the land of them with whom we are righteously at war.
How righteously they could be used we shall see in the case of Bernard.
If she wins, she will win squarely and righteously, and never have to blush.
And know that we be of the race of Saturn, who do righteously, not by constraint, but of our own will.
This is another noble occupation, if it is only carried on properly and righteously.
They would render to all their dues, while they would humbly but righteously claim their own.
That makes me feel it so bitterly, so loftily, and so righteously.
I can now see, at a glance, how all can be speedily and righteously accomplished.
He hates cruelty and injustice as righteously as he hates anarchy.