Rigidities [noun]
Definition of Rigidities:
Sentence/Example of Rigidities:
Cody's planes are noted for their neatness, rigidity and smoothness.
Her face flushed; then it paled and hardened with the rigidity of self-control.
The bristling mane, so thick and wolfish, fairly quivered in its rigidity.
The famous—or notorious—de Barral had lost his rigidity now.
In certain cases, however, the instinct loses its rigidity and automatism.
But we can to a great extent ease the rigidity of its outlines.
Malo was a man of uncompromising honesty and rigidity of principles.
He lifted an arm and let it fall, after trying the rigidity of the muscles.
The rigidity of her face and figure smote Lucy Ellen like a blow.
The rigidity of the body showed that the crime had been committed some time before.