Rigidly [adverb]
Definition of Rigidly:
Opposite/Antonyms of Rigidly:
Sentence/Example of Rigidly:
His first duty is to rigidly keep his trust in its entirety.
He swung it rigidly with the rotary and menacing action of a slinger: the 14-lb.
She moved her rigidly set face from left to right, negatively.
I have said now what I rigidly promised Sally not to mention when I came in here.
Slade had been peering sideways at the rigidly posed Carmena.
His administration of the royal treasury was rigidly economical.
While not rigidly scientific, that is close enough for you and me.
She managed to bring them up; my little cousins are rigidly virtuous.
Our gallant chief's calculations were found to have been rigidly correct.
His meals are real ceremonies, and etiquette is most rigidly enforced.