Rinds [noun]

Definition of Rinds:


Synonyms of Rinds:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rinds:

Sentence/Example of Rinds:

Fig. 23 shows a ham from which the rind has not been removed.

If the skin or rind is rough, and cannot he nipped, it is old.

They are quite like ours both in the wood, the leaf, and the rind.

Beat and sift a pound and a quarter of double-refined sugar; grate the rind of two large lemons, and mix it well with the sugar.

Pare off as thin as possible the rind of a lemon, or of a Seville orange, so as not to cut off any of the white with it.

Beat four eggs, add a pint of milk or cream lightly sweetened, half a nutmeg, and the rind of half a lemon finely grated.

Grate the rind of a Seville orange, put to it six ounces of fresh butter, and six or eight ounces of lump sugar pounded.

Shred half a pound of suet very fine, grate into it half a pound of French roll, a little nutmeg, and the rind of a lemon.

The inner globe was movable within the outer globe, or rind.

A little claret, cinnamon, lemon juice and rind may also be added if liked.