Ringleaders [noun]

Definition of Ringleaders:


Synonyms of Ringleaders:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ringleaders:

Sentence/Example of Ringleaders:

He was particularly set against me, as I had been ringleader in the cobbing.

I will not deny that I was a ringleader in this affair, though I know I had no other motive than escape.

Vallington, as the ringleader in this conspiracy, I call upon you for an answer.

At that speech, the red-faced man, who seemed to be the ringleader, eyed me narrowly.

It was at Boston, the ringleader in rebellion, that the issue was to be tried.

Peaks had exposed the ringleader, and the conspirators were finally beaten at their own game.

Gerhardt, being regarded as the ringleader, was also branded on the chin.

As far as I can see, he's the ringleader in this disturbance.'

Victor Malin was a ringleader from the first in this matter.

The outstretched arm of De Mauleon kept the ringleader at bay.