Ringmasters [noun]
Definition of Ringmasters:
formal host
Synonyms of Ringmasters:
Opposite/Antonyms of Ringmasters:
Sentence/Example of Ringmasters:
And after we had quieted down a little, the ringmaster says: "As big as that?"
"Pretend it's all a joke," whispered the ringmaster fiercely.
At the same time he carried on a running conversation with the ringmaster.
The ringmaster and the clown came into the ring and faced the crowd.
I was so slow that the ringmaster touched me up with his whip.
There was a slight pause and then Christopher reappeared in his costume as ringmaster.
The long whip he carried proclaimed his character as ringmaster.
"Ladies and gentlemen, and all friends," began the ringmaster.
The ringmaster wore a vaguely Arabic costume, in all variations of red.
You have no conception of the life a ringmaster leads before a fight.