Rioters [noun]
Definition of Rioters:
person who causes fire, trouble
Opposite/Antonyms of Rioters:
Sentence/Example of Rioters:
If we meet the rioters, swear that I took you prisoner for wearing it.
The least delay may involve his being rescued by the rioters.'
The order was obeyed, and some of the rioters were seen to fall.
Give me an assurance that you have not been among the rioters, and I am satisfied.'
If he were one of those who had suffered by the rioters, he durst not give him entertainment.
Consternation seized the rioters and they were thrown for a moment into confusion.
Sure that they now had him, the rioters followed in a swarm.
The rioters crowded toward the rear and escaped as best they could.
Seven of the rioters were killed and a large number wounded.
This had the desired effect of clearing the street and of dispersing the rioters.