Rips [noun]

Definition of Rips:

tear, cut

Synonyms of Rips:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rips:

Sentence/Example of Rips:

Jim DID cry, and rip and dance and carry on, he was so thankful and out of his mind for joy.

If she doesn't, the rest of it won't amount to a rip with John Harkless.

What do you want to conwey to your own father, you young Rip?

Then I tella hims that he should rip him ups and then I rip me ups--so.

If you are wise, you will get it too small for your head, and rip out the lining.

The bull-dog was bleeding back of one ear from a rip in his thick neck.

She had a wash-house joke for every rip or stain that passed through her hands.

"If he stirs, I'll rip him open," answered Pen, drawing his knife.

That was a pity, was n't it, to rip up a fine frieze coat like that?

You are a rip and ugly customer and you will stay in the garrison I designated.