Risings [noun]
Definition of Risings:
Sentence/Example of Risings:
He stopped speaking and only gulped down the risings in his throat.
Risings had occurred in various places, and lives had been lost.
There are also indications of risings in nine other counties.
But I checked the risings of my heart, and compelled my proud spirit to obedience.
In one of these risings the royal troops had suffered a crushing defeat.
In recipes where three risings are called for one may be omitted, if necessary.
In addition there was a design for risings elsewhere, aided by the Dutch.
There are also risings in Spain, and the home army is badly depleted.
Detonations are heard at intervals, and risings of the water in the basin.
I had felt that I owed it to Scottish ancestors and to those who had lost in the Risings.