Riveting [adjective]

Definition of Riveting:

fascinating, gripping

Synonyms of Riveting:

Opposite/Antonyms of Riveting:

Sentence/Example of Riveting:

While the smith was riveting my chains, I addressed the sub-governor.

Later, she went out to the stable where Tolliver was riveting a broken tug.

It would only be the means of riveting them on constitutional ground.

It somehow succeeded in riveting for a second Philip's attention.

The plate is in this case fastened to the drawer or door by nailing or riveting.

In all three of these cases the plate is fastened to the door or drawer by nailing or riveting.

This leaves part of the metal with which to make a pin for riveting.

The bottom is now ready to slip into the box and to place for riveting.

On the other hand, for riveting the reverse will be the case.

The process of riveting, as will be seen by the engraving, is the same.