Robing [noun]
Definition of Robing:
the act of clothing
Opposite/Antonyms of Robing:
Sentence/Example of Robing:
There was none of this robing of greed and crime about Napoleon.
In the robing room after the noon recess, Judge Mann was assailed by a feeling of being out of place, ludicrously so, dismayingly.
I did as he asked me, and robing himself like Granuaile in one of my blankets, he seated himself close beside my bed.
In the robing and descending through the corridors there were the usual chatter, meaning looks, confidential asides.
There was no vestry in the chapel; but the minister wore no gown, so no robing room was required.
Here the pontiff descended again to his robing throne at the epistle side of the altar.
With these three ceremoniesablution, robing and anointingthe first and most personal section of the ritual ended.
Through his exertions and instrumentality, a small vestry, or robing room, has been attached to the church.
The chatelaine frowned at Anselm when she heard his footsteps, and, turning, saw him robing by the door.
There is a fatal glitter in Natalie's eyes, as she enters alone her robing room.