Robots [noun]
Definition of Robots:
android, machine
Opposite/Antonyms of Robots:
Sentence/Example of Robots:
Robots are neat about things like that so he must have left it sticking out deliberate.
It was six now, the robots were pushing through the doors into the silent streets.
There had been six robots power-lined in the city since the first of the year.
The room was filled to capacity with robots of all sizes, forms and colors.
Robots aren't really inferior to humans, in fact they're superior in most things.
The robots began to bring cots and to place them in the schoolroom, row on row.
Robots that would answer when she spoke to them were a lot more companionable.
"Not allowed to tamper with other companies' robots," Wynn said.
Reporters liked to write him up as the Valentino of the Robots.
Alan saw other robots converging on him from various points in the room.