Rocketed [verb]

Definition of Rocketed:

shoot up

Synonyms of Rocketed:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rocketed:

Sentence/Example of Rocketed:

I nosed up vertically, and rocketed for a position above the ship.

One of them rocketed out of the press of cattle straight at Lafe.

Lines had to be rocketed from the schooner to the other vessels.

They rocketed down through the notch, as sure of the narrow pathway as though the noonday sun was shining on the cables.

The bi-plane whisked down the field and rocketed into the blue morning sky.

A dull spot of light showed for a moment, rocketed through the air, and disappeared amid a chorus of yelps and howls.

Hanging doggedly to her prize, she recovered her wing balance, and rocketed on toward her burrow.

He watched until Vidac rocketed off in his jet car, followed by a stream of colonists in various types of vehicles.

Somehow the old man had found one of his guns, and cried aloud in savage hate as he rocketed shot after shot toward the doorway.

The volunteer had rocketed himself across the emptiness between the two again-separated ships.