Rockiest [adjective]
Definition of Rockiest:
rugged, stony
Opposite/Antonyms of Rockiest:
Sentence/Example of Rockiest:
Melville is an island of more than a mile in circumference, with low, rocky shores.
These form the woods which sweep from rocky shore to topmost hill.
What was more, before he had done with Rocky Springs he would show some of them.
He knew that trouble was knocking at the door of Rocky Springs.
Rocky Springs one morning awoke to find that the old saloon was closed.
It was a weakness of the citizens of Rocky Springs to watch others work.
Maybe the narrow life of such a village as Rocky Springs had had its effect.
With a cathedral in Rocky Springs they would have felt certain of their hereafter.
She was speculating as to what might happen with Fyles stationed here in Rocky Springs.
That, and finding some forgotten hole of a place called Rocky Springs.