Rockweeds [noun]
Definition of Rockweeds:
Opposite/Antonyms of Rockweeds:
Sentence/Example of Rockweeds:
Going down to the ledges, he pulled off a big armful of rockweed.
You'll find your dory in the rockweed about fifty feet east of the cove.
In less than an hour he was back, bringing the sweater minus the rockweed.
The right amount of heat has been obtained, a barrow load of rockweed is brought—rockweed, not seaweed.
As soon as the rockweed is thrown on the red hot stones a salty, savory smelling steam begins to rise.
The rocks are hung so plentifully with Ascophyllum nodosum (rockweed) that its beauty is likely to be passed over unnoticed.
Beyond the sand are great pebbles covered with rockweed and barnacles.
The violent throbbings of her heart could be seen undulating the long hair as the moaning sea tosses the rockweed.
"I've made their dory fast in a little gulch among the rockweed," said he.
That means that you are crushing the little bladder-like swellings strung like big beads on the stems of the rockweed.