Rogue [noun]

Definition of Rogue:

person who deceives, swindles

Synonyms of Rogue:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rogue:


Sentence/Example of Rogue:

There never was a rogue, who had not a salvo to himself for being so.

We were much provoked at the insult of playing the Rogue's March.

And all that's in it for me is this—the schoolmaster was a rogue that did not give me that verse in for my money.

Where has your conscience been these two months back, you villain and rogue?

There was not a rogue or a rascal inside its whole precincts.

Boisseuil replied that he should give him no satisfaction, and that he was a rogue.

The rogue was still digesting the Coupeaus when he already began to devour the Poissons.

He is seduced into the life of pleasure, and becomes a lawless person and a rogue.

I am a rogue, if I were not at half-sword with a dozen of them two hours together.

Be off, you rogue, or I'll raise the village and make short work of you.