Romances [noun]
Definition of Romances:
love affair
Sentence/Example of Romances:
Seasickness takes away all the romance that poets have invested it with.
I was full of romance and hope; now I've no romance, little hope, and some wrinkles.
But Mr. Thomson's contributions may fairly be said to have exhausted the "romance" of the road.
That was why Tillie's romance had only paraded itself before her and had gone by.
A year ago her half promise to Joe had gratified her sense of romance.
He was old and bleary, unmistakably dirty too—but he had divined Sidney's romance.
How can I get adventure and romance in a place where I know everybody?
You have to go out into the world to get adventure and romance!
Julie, the third imperishable Julie of French romance, never married.
To the romance the novel is what photography is to painting.