Romanticisms [noun]

Definition of Romanticisms:

emotion, belief

Opposite/Antonyms of Romanticisms:

Sentence/Example of Romanticisms:

But this romanticism is, as it were, a segment of the larger circle of idealism.

Humor and romance often go hand in hand, but humor is commonly fatal to romanticism.

Yes, our generation has been soaked in romanticism, and we have remained impregnated with it.

It begins with some observations on Romanticism and Classicism.

Romanticism blossomed in 1830, and bore fruit for ten years.

This, fancy of hers, if it were a fancy, could be nothing but the romanticism of a young girl.

We need a romanticism which has its roots in the solid earth.

What he loved in romanticism was the "colour," and nothing but the colour.

Romanticism as a school had done its work and was now extinct.

How much of the romanticism of the pioneers there is in that story!