Rootstocks [noun]

Definition of Rootstocks:


Opposite/Antonyms of Rootstocks:

Sentence/Example of Rootstocks:

The rootstock, which has a bitter and very acrid taste, is poisonous.

Internally the rootstock is whitish and of a spongy texture.

Description of Rootstock — The rootstock and roots are employed in medicine.

Of course, there are all gradations between a tuber and a rootstock.

Rootstock, root-like trunks or portions of stems on or under ground, 42.

Its rootstock produces the well-known fìlix-mas of the pharmacist.

Rootstock short, its base including the buds of succeeding years.

The rootstock cannot be used as a substitute for ginger, but smells and tastes very aromatic and pungent.

In the course of time the older roots become hollow and inactive without becoming detached from the rootstock.

Its leaves and rootstock are astringent, and the latter yields a yellow dye.