Ropes [noun]

Definition of Ropes:

cord, line

Synonyms of Ropes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ropes:


Sentence/Example of Ropes:

He bore still around him the rope that was to save the rest.

And he brought the mare to a halt by jerking the rope around her neck.

She'll buy her some spurs and try to rope and cut out and help brand.

I can feel the cold of the water yet, and your rope settling over my shoulders.

Over his shoulder he carried a bag, tied round and round with a rope.

She would give him plenty of rope, she decided, not try to drive him.

I should think it wasn't over three and three-quarter-inch rope.

Every rope and bolt in the craft was tried to the utmost, but all stood!

There was nothing very near me, not even a bit of wood, or a rope.

One day the captain fell foul of him, and beat him with a rope severely.