Rostrum [noun]

Definition of Rostrum:


Synonyms of Rostrum:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rostrum:


Sentence/Example of Rostrum:

The doctor dropped down from his rostrum as if his task were done.

The Baroness, to tell the truth, waddled rather than stepped to the rostrum.

Rostral: pertaining or attached to a rostrum; specifically of Hemiptera.

The unroofed porch of the tavern served Flagg for a rostrum that day.

Every knot of men had its grievance; every flag in the pavement was a rostrum.

And finally, as capacity was reached, he came to the rostrum.

The professor then took his place again on the rostrum, with the pointer in his hand.

Then Roscius mounted the rostrum, but not a man would give ear to him.

I buried myself in the crowd, slouching my hat on that side towards the rostrum.

There were other patrons on the far side of the rostrum; perhaps Steve was over there.