Rotundas [noun]
Definition of Rotundas:
Opposite/Antonyms of Rotundas:
Sentence/Example of Rotundas:
Congress had voted money for mural paintings for the rotunda of the Capitol.
Paul nodded, and they went down the hall and into the Rotunda.
They entered at the ladies' door while he kept on to the main entrance and rotunda.
He had half-led, half-pushed the other to a chair near one of the pillars of the rotunda.
When I entered the rotunda I was hailed by a Mr. Fox, who wanted conversation with me.
She gave a series of concerts at the Rotunda in Dublin, Ireland.
He made a sober and singular spot in the blaze of the rotunda.
The men went and smoked by the rotunda and the women joined them.
Foremost to fly were the women from the rotunda, who were welcomed with acclamations by the soldiers.
To this rotunda, it is said, a delegation of Indians paid a visit a year or two since.