Rouged [adjective]

Definition of Rouged:


Synonyms of Rouged:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rouged:


Sentence/Example of Rouged:

Their cheeks were rouged, their eye-lashes painted, their eyes bright with wine.

Do you think it would be awfully immoral if I rouged her cheeks a suspicion?

She contracted her lips, which were rouged like those of a clown.

Her face was rouged and there were artificial shadows under her eyes.

She is rouged and powdered, dressed with a comical elegance in black silk.

When you are rouged and powdered, you'll be as bold as a page.

Rouged faces, flushed with drink, looked well in the sunset.

The cheeks had been rouged up to the eyes, which were picked out in violet ink.

She is seventy years old, and powdered and rouged like an actress!

Her face speaks in every lineament; theirs are rouged and wrinkled masks.