Roweling [verb]

Definition of Roweling:

egg on, incite

Synonyms of Roweling:

Opposite/Antonyms of Roweling:

Sentence/Example of Roweling:

A few horse-hairs twisted and caught in the sharp points of the rowel.

The rowel of his spur rattled as he jerked his foot up and down at the ankle.

Rowel threw the whole weight of his body upon him to stop that tongue.

I am afraid, Mr. Rowel, the case is a very serious one indeed.

"From the very nature of things, my dear," Mr. Rowel replied.

The shank of the spur is the bridge and road, the rowel the church and rectory.

She twirled her rowel in silence for a time, her eyes fixed on it.

He lifted the wooden stirrup and touched with his finger the rowel marks.

Its ruthless rider proved irresistible—and, clinging like fate itself, plied the scourge and rowel like a fiend.

Scarcely had the rowel reached his side, when down he fell, sending me head foremost over his neck into the water.