Royally [adverb]
Definition of Royally:
Opposite/Antonyms of Royally:
Sentence/Example of Royally:
After which, he was seated between the king and queen, and royally entertained.
The Wilcoxes were not lacking in affection; they had it royally, but they did not know how to use it.
Doped, my child—most royally doped—with a kindly poison that he loathes.
And how royally beautiful was the sunshine, and how sweet was the breath of life!
He has placed there only those from his own plantation; he has paid them royally.
He blamed the accident on the new riding-suit, and was royally outspoken about it.
The frosting gleams right, royally on that black hair of yours.
Will I take my two hundred dollars out of the bank and risk it royally?
"All that can be rightly asked will be royally bestowed," was the king's answer.
"You pay as you swear, good sir, royally," replied Tristram.