Rubdown [noun]

Definition of Rubdown:


Synonyms of Rubdown:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rubdown:


Sentence/Example of Rubdown:

Yoritomo left, and Stanton got up on the rubdown table and lay prone.

When he came in he had his shower, rubdown and then breakfast.

"You handed yourself that one, kid," Spike had said, applying raw beef to it after their rubdown.

"Yeah, sure," he said abstractedly as he got up on the rubdown table and lay prone.

He whistled blithely as after his shower and rubdown, he got into his clothes and, accompanied by Jim, passed out into the street.

And it was all they could do to get away from them and repair to their shower and rubdown, never before so needed or so welcome.

If this is not possible, exercise, keep moving, until there is opportunity for a rubdown and change.

It was with a feeling of relief that he had gained the shelter of the clubhouse with its refreshing shower and rubdown.