Ruckuses [noun]
Definition of Ruckuses:
Synonyms of Ruckuses:
● Stink
● Upheaval
● Fuss
● Brawl
● Uproar
● Hubbub
● Fracas
● Brouhaha
● Quarrel
● Turmoil
● Rumble
● Riot
● Rampage
● Uprising
● Bother
● Disorder
● Rumpus
● Racket
● Stir
● Fray
Sentence/Example of Ruckuses:
Say, Squint, your brain wasnt injured in that ruckus, was it?
Now, I hadn't been down that way for about six months, but I had heard of that ruckus.
He figured to start a ruckus, and then git me in the mix-up.
"There seems to be some kind of a ruckus," Mr. Appel remarked as he stood up and leaned out the window.
There was the deuce of a ruckus over there for maybe two minutes, and then back they came—carrying something.
Old Philmarron isn't all there, in my opinion, but he's dead game and loves any kind of a ruckus.
"I jist stepped into the kitchen while her light rolls fer supper was raisin' and got a ruckus fer it," was his mild answer.
Mebbe sometime I meets up wid a army whut starts a ruckus wid me.
I suppose you'd feel happier if you weren't locked up in your cabin during the ruckus?
He returned to the smoking room and dragged the Mud Turtle out of the room wherein the ruckus had been staged.