Ruddiest [adjective]
Definition of Ruddiest:
pinkish, blushing
Synonyms of Ruddiest:
● Blooming
● Crimson
● Florid
● Flush
● Flushed
● Fresh
● Glowing
● Healthy
● Pink
● Red
● Roseate
● Rosy
● Rubicund
● Sanguine
● Blowsy
● Bronzed
● Reddish
● Ruby
● Scarlet
Sentence/Example of Ruddiest:
Here were two with wrists and sleeves all spotted with the ruddy grape juice.
Within the door of the cottage you discern the wife, with her ruddy English cheek.
But nowhere were there faces of ruddy tan as one sees in a world of sun.
A bank of clouds had swallowed the last vestige of ruddy light.
Under his ruddy tan his skin was no longer fresh, but dull and sallow.
The light had long since failed, but the fire gave a ruddy light.
The rising fires of the sun illumined their faces with a ruddy glow.
His ruddy English face was knotted in a scowl and his blue eyes were dark.
It flickered over her golden hair, and bathed her beauty in a ruddy glow.
This was of a slightly lighter tint, and had gleams of ruddy gold in it.